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Note From Our Pastor:

There will be no Mass


Dear parishioners, I want to let you know that the week in October from Monday October 7 to Friday 11 we will be in the Diocesan retreat for priests, so there will be no Mass during the week.

Please pray for us that we will be praying for you.

God Bless you and your family.

Father Wilson, Pastor.


No habrá Misa


Queridos parroquianos me permito informarles que la semana del mes de Octubre del Lunes 7 al Viernes 11 estaremos en el retiro Diocesano para Sacerdotes, en consecuencia no habrá Misa durante la semana.

Por favor oren por nosotros que nosotros estaremos orando por ustedes.

Dios los Bendiga, también a sus familiares.

Padre Wilson, Párroco.



It is a great joy for me as pastor to see all the enthusiasm, support, work and prayers that all of you brought to our community, especially during the difficult days that we had recently. It was a great blessing that our Bishop came to celebrate the Holy Mass in our parish, just after the Hurricane. So, I want to say thanks to:

-Each one of you for your support and prayers.

-Each family who participated not only in the celebration of the Holy Mass but also in our communitarian activities.

-The youth participating and serving during the celebration and the Holy Mass with our Bishop and with their enthusiasm.

-The CCW women, working hard and with love, as usual, for our parish.

-The Emaus group doing a great job, installing a new floor to our church, working until midnight when we had no power in the church, in record time. I could see how their work was very professional even though they were doing it as volunteers.

-Mayda our manager, who was working hard, taking care of all the details after the hurricane and for the Mass with our Bishop. Likewise, Quique worked as a volunteer helping Mayda. Also, Diego who talked at the end of the Mass and is doing a great job in the fundraiser for the youth group. Besides, this family did a great job, with Mrs. Donna (who always is working hard and with love for our community), in the choir for the Mass with our Bishop.

-Thomas and his family who helped us to have sound and screen working, even though we had no power, for the Eucharistic Celebration with our Bishop.

-The Sacristans, the lectors, those who carried the gifts, the ushers, all who always are serving in our community.

-Father Manuel Puga, who is always ready to prepare the Liturgy for our Bishop. Also, he is always taking care of the details in our churches and the rectory.

Thanks to God for moving all of us with his Holy Spirit, specially in the last difficult days and to have a great Eucharistic celebration with our Bishop.

As pastor I have pain in my heart for the situation in Cedar Key. I keep praying for our parishioners of our Mission St. Andrew and I remember them during the celebration of the Holy Mass. Also, we keep working with the Diocese to restore our chapel.

Thanks to God father for The Holy Family of Nazaret who always are interceding for us.

God Bless you, your family and projects.

Father Wilson, Pastor.




Es una gran alegría ver el entusiasmo, ayuda, trabajo y oraciones que cada uno de ustedes aportaron a nuestra comunidad, especialmente durante los días difíciles que hemos tenido. Fue una gran bendición que, justo después del paso del huracán, nuestro Obispo vino a celebrar la Santa Misa en nuestra parroquia. En consecuencia, quiero agradecer a:

 -Cada uno de ustedes por su apoyo y oraciones.

-Cada familia que participó no solo en la celebración de la Santa Eucaristía sino también en nuestras actividades comunitarias.

-Los jóvenes participando y sirviendo durante la celebración de la Santa Misa con nuestro Obispo y por el entusiasmo que siempre aportan a nuestra Comunidad.

-Las hermanas del Consejo Católico de Mujeres, quienes trabajaron bastante y con amor, como suelen hacerlo, por nuestra parroquia.

-El grupo de Emaús, quienes hicieron un gran trabajo, instalando el nuevo piso a nuestra iglesia, trabajando hasta medianoche, aunque no teníamos electricidad en la parroquia, muy rápido. Pude ver cómo su trabajo fue muy profesional aun cuando lo hicieron como voluntarios.

-Mayda, nuestra Manager, quien estuvo trabajando mucho, encargándose de todos los detalles relacionados con la parroquia y las Misiones después del paso del Huracán y para la Misa con nuestro Obispo. También Quique como voluntario ayudando a Mayda. Igualmente, Diego quien habló al final de la Misa y ha estado haciendo un gran trabajo, ayudando en la recolección de fondos para el grupo de jóvenes. Además, ellos como familia hicieron gran trabajo, con la señora Donna (quien siempre está trabajando con amor por nuestra Comunidad), en el coro para la Misa con nuestro Obispo.

-Tomas y su familia, ayudándonos a tener sonido y las proyecciones en la pantalla, aun cuando no teníamos electricidad en la parroquia, para la celebración Eucarística con nuestro Obispo.

-Los sacristanes, los lectores, quienes llevan las ofrendas, los que ayudan a acomodar la gente y las cosas, así como todos quienes siempre están ayudando.

-Padre Manolo Puga, quien siempre está listo para preparar la Liturgia con nuestro Obispo. Además, él siempre esta cuidando los detalles de nuestra parroquia, Misiones y la Rectoría.

-Gracias a Dios por movernos a todos con Su Santo Espíritu, especialmente en estos días difíciles, para haber tenido una gran Celebración Eucarística con nuestro Obispo.

Como párroco tengo dolor en mi corazón por la situación de Cedar Key. Yo sigo orando por nuestros parroquianos de la Misión San Andrés y los recuerdo durante la celebración de la Santa Misa. Además, seguimos trabajando para restaurar nuestra capilla.

Gracias a Dios padre por la Sagrada Familia de Nazareth, Quienes siempre están intercediendo por nosotros.

Dios te Bendiga, también a tu familia y sus proyectos.

Vote No On 4
Florida Launches Campaign Against Controversial Amendment 4

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Vote No On 4 Florida has launched a campaign to defeat Amendment 4 on the November ballot. It has unveiled new websites in English and Spanish and released a video titled “Not What it Seems.”

The 2-minute video criticizes Amendment 4 for not defining key terms like “viability,” “healthcare provider,” and “patient’s health,” leaving voters uncertain about its implications.

“Amendment 4 allows abortions throughout pregnancy, even when the baby can feel pain,” said Vote No On 4 Florida President Dr. Mary J. O’Sullivan, professor emeritus of obstetrics and gynecology at the University of Miami Medical School. “It permits any ‘healthcare provider’ to determine fetal viability and approve late-term abortions, giving clinics a green light for third-trimester abortions.”

The campaign has strong grassroots support, including from the Florida Catholic Bishops. Organizers have built a network reaching nearly 80 percent of Florida voters. Volunteers will educate voters that Amendment 4 is “way too extreme, and not what it seems.” The Office of Human Life & Dignity is also involved in voter education through parishes, ministries and organizations.

Amendment 4 is funded by out-of-state special interest groups, including the abortion industry and George Soros’ Open Society Fund. Notably, its primary funding organization opposed a bill requiring emergency medical treatment for babies born alive during abortions, which the Florida legislature unanimously passed.

​Please read more about it here: Amendment 4 - Diocese of St. Augustine (

Respect Life Month 2024 – From Bishop Pohlmeier

This year's Respect Life Month coincides with the final month of our efforts to defeat Amendment 4, and so our primary focus for the weeks ahead will be a spiritual and prayerful response.


For our spiritual and prayerful focus, I ask you to engage and promote a coordinated effort of fasting and praying the rosary.


I am asking each priest and invite parishioners to join the Diocese of St. Augustine to commit to fasting each Friday in October and on Election Day, Nov 5. This quote from Ezra is one of many in scripture that highlights the power of fasting.


"Then I proclaimed a fast, there by the river of Ahava, that we might humble ourselves before our God to seek from him a safe journey for ourselves, our children, and all our possessions. For I was ashamed to ask the king for troops and horsemen to protect us against enemies along the way, since we had said to the king, "The favoring hand of our God is over all who seek him, but his fierce anger is against all who forsake him." So we fasted, seeking this from our God, and it was granted." - Ezra 8:21-23


Secondly, I ask you to join in the prayer of the rosary. We have already planned a Rosary Congress with information here:  The rosary has long proved to be a powerful response to the needs of our lives and our society. This effort will lead us to the Feast of Our Lady of La Leche, which unites our Diocese with Mary under the title that has long graced our land.


We must remember that we are resisting the evil that wishes to destroy lives. We pray to engage this enemy with God's grace so that our hearts are filled with charity. We continue to love those who do not perceive God's gift of life, and we seek the ongoing conversion of each beloved soul.

2024-10 - Respect Life Month - Fasting - Facebook.jpg



2024 Masses with our Bishop:

Saturday, November 30:

05:00 p.m. Mass in St. Andrew, Cedar Key.

Mass Times for St. John the Evangelist

Tuesday: 6:00 pm

Thursday: 9:00 am

Friday: 9:00 am

Saturday: 4:30 pm

Sunday: 8:30 am

Healing Mass

First Tuesday of the month: 09:00 am

Holy Hour

First Friday of the month with the Mass

30 minutes prior all Masses or call office for appointment.


4050 NW US Highway 27 Alt
Chiefland, FL 32626

Catechism 2024

~Classes begin on August 25th~

St. John The Evangelist (Chiefland)

Sunday: 8:30 am Mass and Class 


Holy Cross (Cross City)

Sunday: 11:30 am

(Class Must participate in 10:30 am Or 12:30 pm Mass)


Christ The Good Shepherd (Bell)

Sunday: 6:00 pm

(Class Must participate in Sunday 7:30 pm Mass)

Our Mission Statement
As Catholic Christians and people of prayer, we resolve, both as individuals and as a community, that by the grace of the Holy Spirit, we will be and become the living presence of Jesus Christ in the multi-cultural, multi-racial neighborhoods in which God has placed us to live and to love and to serve.

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