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Dear parishioner,

I let you know that Bishop Erick Pohlmeier appointed father Manolo Puga as Pastor of St. Francis Xavier Parish, in Live Oak. Also, he appointed father Pablo Fuentes as vicar for our parish. It will be effective on November 6. I am grateful to God for the time that Father Puga was in our midst and thanks to him for all his dedication to our Community. Also, I welcome Father Fuentes and thanks to him for coming to help us. Please keep both of them in your prayers.

Have a Blessed week.


Father Wilson, Pastor.

Querido parroquiano me permito hacerte saber que el Obispo Erick Pohlmeier nombró Párroco de la iglesia St. Francis Xavier, en Live Oak, al padre Manuel Puga. También nombró al Padre Pablo Fuentes como vicario de nuestra parroquia. Esto surtirá efecto a partir del 6 de Noviembre. Le doy gracias a Dios por el tiempo que le permitió al padre Puga estar entre nosotros y le doy gracias a él por toda su dedicación a la Comunidad. También le doy la bienvenida al Padre Fuentes y le agradezco por venir a ayudarnos. Por favor mantengan a ambos en sus oraciones.

Bendecida semana.



Padre Wilson, Párroco.

Approved BEP V3 To the faithful of the Diocese of St Augustine 

We want to thank you!


We want to thank the Parish community for making this trip to Jacksonville possible. Our Youth Group participated in the "Seeking 2024" Conference. It was an enriching experience for everyone.



2024 Masses with our Bishop:

Saturday, November 30:

05:00 p.m. Mass in St. Andrew, Cedar Key.

Mass Times for St. John the Evangelist

Tuesday: 6:00 pm

Thursday: 9:00 am

Friday: 9:00 am

Saturday: 4:30 pm

Sunday: 8:30 am

Healing Mass

First Tuesday of the month: 09:00 am

Holy Hour

First Friday of the month with the Mass

30 minutes prior all Masses or call office for appointment.


4050 NW US Highway 27 Alt
Chiefland, FL 32626

Catechism 2024

~St. John The Evangelist (Chiefland)

Sunday: 8:30 am Mass and Class 


Holy Cross (Cross City)

Sunday: 11:30 am

(Class Must participate in 10:30 am Or 12:30 pm Mass)


Christ The Good Shepherd (Bell)

Sunday: 6:00 pm

(Class Must participate in Sunday 7:30 pm Mass)

Our Mission Statement
As Catholic Christians and people of prayer, we resolve, both as individuals and as a community, that by the grace of the Holy Spirit, we will be and become the living presence of Jesus Christ in the multi-cultural, multi-racial neighborhoods in which God has placed us to live and to love and to serve.

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